Home - Add Business Group

The Remote Construction Specialists

ADD BUSINESS GROUP is a family Business, a registered Western Australian builder and multi-disciplined Construction Company. We excel in delivering cost effective construction and maintenance solutions to the Mining & Resource, Commercial, Government and Defence.

Remote Construction

ADD BUSINESS GROUP have the proven capabilities and know-how to deliver small and large-scale remote construction projects across WA.

Transportable Buildings

ADD BUSINESS GROUP specialise in the design, construction and maintenance of Remote Camp and Permanent Accommodation, MOC Facilities, Commercial and Industrial projects in Western Australia.

Our Skills

In Ground services to Australian standards
Refurbishments, Vinyl, Drainage, Plumbing, Electrical, Switchboards
Earthwork solutions, Sports ovals and facilities, Logistics and Placements
Full complex design and construct, Pump pits, Septics, Concrete supply and lay

Contact Us


Telephone: 08 9493 8200
Email: info@addbg.com.au
Address: 225 Kelvin Road, Orange Grove WA 6109


Telephone: 08 9493 8200
Email: info@addbg.com.au
Address: Unit 4, 37 Woodstock Street, Newman 6753

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